Marcus GuestWhat is ‘Situational Awareness’ and why should it matter to you?During the Korean War US pilots shot down their Korean and Chinese counterparts at a 10:1 ratio despite flying the F-86, an aircraft…Jul 5, 20211Jul 5, 20211
Marcus GuestThe burning question every executive must answerWhat delivers superior results?Jul 6, 2021Jul 6, 2021
Marcus GuestThe wise executive’s secret of successIt’s tempting to believe in ‘secret formulas for success’ because the alternative — accepting that the world is unpredictable, the journey…Jul 7, 2021Jul 7, 2021
Marcus GuestSkate to where the puck is goingIt’s uncomfortable to accept that the world around us is uncertain and can’t be controlled. However, it can be navigated. We didn’t try to…Jul 8, 2021Jul 8, 2021
Marcus GuestOn strategy and anti-strategy“Many strategies suffer from the ‘alpha male, chest beating’ problem, of simply stating how great we will be, and how we will succeed. This…Jul 9, 2021Jul 9, 2021
Marcus GuestThree signs your organisation doesn’t have a strategyThink about your organisation. Are there a lot of:Jul 14, 2021Jul 14, 2021
Marcus GuestNo one knows your strategy — not even your top leadersEven if you have a strategy research suggests three-quarters of your people still won’t be able to identify your organisation’s top three…Jul 16, 2021Jul 16, 2021
Marcus GuestIs your strategy context-free?Consider this scenario (one you might be familiar with):Jul 19, 2021Jul 19, 2021
Marcus GuestAny map is better than no mapDuring the first world war a group of Italian troops were camped in the Alps. Their commanding officer sent a small group on a scouting…Jul 22, 2021Jul 22, 2021
Marcus GuestSituational awareness or, the why of movementChess is a simple game to start learning. You can see the board and the pieces, you learn how they move and perhaps some basic openings…Jul 26, 2021Jul 26, 2021
Marcus GuestIs your organisation harming itself?“Before you try to run a marathon, get fit first” — Simon WardleyJul 29, 2021Jul 29, 2021
Marcus GuestMaking your organisation fitterPowerMaps help organisations address the most common forms of self-harm: not focusing on user needs, duplication and bias, and trying to…Aug 2, 2021Aug 2, 2021
Marcus GuestThe most important word in strategyIt’s common knowledge that the most important word in strategy is why — why should we do this? Why is about making choices between options…Aug 3, 2021Aug 3, 2021
Marcus GuestThe power of maps for superior strategy and executionIf you’re in unfamiliar territory you’ll know the value of a map. Maps help you see what’s around you and guide your next moves. There are…Aug 5, 2021Aug 5, 2021
Marcus Guest10 reasons why your organisation needs to start mappingEvery great strategic leader in history knew the importance of maps. Maps enabled them to quickly see the landscape they were in and…Aug 6, 2021Aug 6, 2021