Marcus GuestIntroduction: Why “Best Practices” Are Holding You BackAs did many others, I started writing a book when COVID-19 struck. When our certainties are challenged — such as, people must go to an…Jun 29, 2022Jun 29, 2022
Marcus GuestPart One: Chapter 1. Stop Making Strategic PlansIn late 2020 I met with an executive from a leading retailer. While waiting, I had the chance to review the company’s strategy which…Sep 1, 2021Sep 1, 2021
Marcus GuestChapter 2. Adapt or DieFor anyone who believed the world was a predictable place, where plans could be made and executed easily, the 2020s would have come as a…Sep 8, 2021Sep 8, 2021
Marcus GuestChapter 3. Pal’chinskii’s PrinciplesIn 2002, a SARS outbreak — another coronavirus — struck Asia and sparked fears of a global pandemic. Mistakes[1] were made in the…Sep 15, 20211Sep 15, 20211
Marcus GuestChapter 4. Ashby’s Law of Requisite VarietyPal’chinskii’s first principle[1] urged us to experiment with a variety of ideas to increase the chances of success and this was echoed…Sep 22, 2021Sep 22, 2021
Marcus GuestChapter 5. Innovating Out of a Crisis“A peak always conceals a treacherous valley” — Shigetaka Komori. Former chairman and CEO, Fujifilm[1]Sep 29, 2021Sep 29, 2021
Marcus GuestChapter 6. Miscalculations, Mistakes and SerendipityThe West often seems reluctant to learn from the East. For example, many Western leaders ignored the strategies deployed by Asia nations inOct 13, 2021Oct 13, 2021
Marcus GuestChapter 7. Time as a Strategic WeaponWhat lessons could British manufacturers in the US motorbike market have learned from the Eastern approach to strategy to face down the…Mar 20, 2022Mar 20, 2022
Marcus GuestChapter 8. The Eastern Approach to StrategyAt the time of writing Sun Tzu’s The Art of War was number 4 on Amazon’s ‘Strategy & Competition’[1] bestseller list. Why many modern…Oct 20, 2021Oct 20, 2021
Marcus GuestChapter 9. The Western Approach to StrategyThe West has long enjoyed global supremacy. Beginning in the late 18th century, the Industrial Revolution — followed by a series of further…Nov 3, 20211Nov 3, 20211
Marcus GuestChapter 10. Strategy for an Uncertain WorldThe problem isn’t that some people are playing checkers while others are playing chess; the problem is that we’re playing chess while…Sep 5, 2022Sep 5, 2022
Marcus GuestPart Two: Chapter 11. The Art of War, Rebooted“Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But since no one was listening, everything must be said again” ― André GideMar 12, 2024Mar 12, 2024
Marcus GuestChapter 12. The Hierarchy of Strategic Thinking“Why would an organisation not want to see the landscape they’re competing in?” — Simon WardleyMar 18, 2024Mar 18, 2024
Marcus GuestChapter 13. Landscapes as Force Multipliers“During a crisis, when you are caught up in a battle that will determine the outcome of the war” wrote Fujifilm CEO Shigetaka Komori, the…Mar 26, 2024Mar 26, 2024
Marcus GuestChapter 14. Maps are WeaponsDuring the first world war a company of Italian troops were camped in the Alps. Their commanding officer sent a small group on a scouting…Apr 2, 2024Apr 2, 2024
Marcus GuestChapter 15. Wardley Maps, Made Simple“Normally in military conflicts or even in games like chess we have some means of visualising the landscape through a map, whether it’s the…Apr 8, 20242Apr 8, 20242
Marcus GuestChapter 16. The Importance of ChallengeIn 1558, Venetian nobleman Nicolò Zeno published a map he found in his family’s archives. It was created by his ancestors during their…Apr 15, 2024Apr 15, 2024
Marcus GuestChapter 17. Top Ten Most Common Business Problems Mapping Solves“Instead of using multiple different ways of explaining the same thing between different functions of the company then try to use one. A…Oct 25, 2023Oct 25, 2023
Marcus GuestChapter 18. On False MapsIf you mention maps many organisations claim they already have them — road maps, process maps, customer journey maps etc. — it can seem as…May 13, 20241May 13, 20241
Marcus GuestChapter 19. Mapping an IndustryAfter World War II global trade exploded, with a plethora of bilateral agreements between friendly nations and the signing of the…May 21, 2024May 21, 2024